Hold a master’s degree from a valid and recognized institution.
Have been accepted by an accredited PPGBIO Supervisor to supervise at the doctoral level (see Faculty).
Admission to the PPGBIO doctoral program is ongoing. There is no annual selection exam and applications are evaluated as they are received. Candidates may apply at any time throughout the year.
Upon application, the candidate must have already chosen a supervisor and doctoral project.
Digital copy of Identity Card (RG), or other identification document, and CPF, or passport for foreigners who do not have a CPF.
Digital copy of master’s degree or undergraduate course, or certificate of completion of the master’s course; d) Digital copy of grade history from the master’s course or undergraduate course, certified by the Postgraduate Program, IES.
Digital copy of the English Language Proficiency Examination certificate (see required documents in item k). Native English-speaking applicants, or applicants from countries where English is one of the official languages, must present an identification document as evidence of nationality (such as a passport), without the need to present an English proficiency document.
Acceptance letter from the applicant’s supervisor (annex II).
An up-to-date Lattes curriculum (http://lattes.cnpq.br), for Brazilians and foreigners with CPF, or a Curriculum Vitae for foreigners without CPF, a completed score sheet (annex V), and supporting documentation, as evidence of CV. Failure to send or the sending of incomplete documents will result in the applicant being disqualified.
For students with a master’s degree, evidence of at least one (1) article published or officially accepted for publication, by submission of the acceptance letter, evidence of the article or other supporting documents, in a scientific journal classified by CAPES, in the Qualis system as A to B2 for any field of knowledge, or Qualis A to B3 in the field of Biodiversity, or for articles not classified in Qualis, impact factor > = 0.3 (most recent JCR). The papers evaluated must be in accordance with the updated indexing version and refer to articles published within the last five (5) years.
For undergraduate students without a master’s degree, at least two (2) scientific articles published in a scientific journal classified in CAPES Qualis system as A to B2, in any field of knowledge, or A to B3 (Qualis), for the field of Biodiversity, or with impact factor > = 0.3 (most recent JCR), for articles not classified in Qualis. The papers evaluated must be in accordance with the updated indexing version and refer to articles published within the last five (5) years. The applicant should be the first author in at least one (1) of their submitted articles.
Digitalized doctoral project.
Digital copy of English Language Proficiency Exam certificate or pass list (published by the responsible institution), in which the academic achievement was equal to or greater than seventy percent (70%), carried out during master’s or doctoral courses at UNIFAP or from another institution that is part of the National Graduate System, within five (5) years after the graduation date or five (5) years after the date of the selection process, or the English Language Proficiency Examination for foreigners (ELPE), implemented by the UNIFAP Postgraduate Department – see public notice for validity periods – or the following exams:
oTOEFL – Test of English as Foreign Language (minimum of 213 points for the CBT TOEFL, 500 points for the traditional TOEFL, or 80 points for the Internet Based Test);
oIELTS – International English Language Test (6.0 minimum)
oFCE (First Certificate in English), CAE (Certificate in Advanced English), CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English);
oESOL – English for Speakers of Other Languages, MICHIGAN ECPE – Examination for Certificate of Proficiency in English;
oTOEIC – Federal University of Amapá Test, Research Office and Postgraduate Program in Tropical Biodiversity.
Two (2) e-mail and telephone contacts, for references, from professors/researchers or persons with recognized competence in the field.
Digital copy of one (1) 3×4 cm photo.
When submitting the application form and requested documents, write: “INSCRIÇÃO DOUTORADO” in the e-mail subject line, followed by the number of the present public notice and the name of the candidate. E.g.: INSCRIÇÃO DOUTORADO 01/2018 – Maria Silva.
If the candidate does not receive confirmation of receipt of the documentation by the PPGBIO secretary, within 24 hours, the candidate should get in contact via telephone (96-3312 1757), or e-mail, to confirm receipt of the documents.
The application documentation will be analyzed by the PPGBIO Board, who will also assess the project adequacy, against the Program’s lines of research, and the basic quality of the project layout.
At the time of matriculation, the responsible sectors may be required to print the required documentation.
Grants are available from CAPES, CNPq, and other institutions, and will be awarded according to the evaluation by the Grant Program Commission (Comissão de Bolsas do Programa), however, there is no guarantee that all selected candidates with receive a grant.
Approved candidates must sign a term of agreement, committing to full dedication to the course, regardless of whether or not they receive a grant.